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SQL Server Encryption Using T-SQL functions - Encrypt and Decrypt a Password using EncryptByPassPhrase and DecryptByPassPhrase


You can use encryption in SQL Server for connections, data, and stored procedures.
This Article explains you how to Encrypt and Decrypt a text using T-SQL can encrypt a password and can store a password as VarBinary in a column by using EncryptByPassPhrase function. Encrypted column can be decrypted by using DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE function.


Encryption is the process of obfuscating data by the use of a key or password. This can make the data useless without the corresponding decryption key or password. Encryption does not solve access control problems. However, it enhances security by limiting data loss even if access controls are bypassed. For example, if the database host computer is misconfigured and a hacker obtains sensitive data, that stolen information might be useless if it is encrypted.
Although encryption is a valuable tool to help ensure security, it should not be considered for all data or connections. When you are deciding whether to implement encryption, consider how users will access data. If users access data over a public network, data encryption might be required to increase security. However, if all access involves a secure intranet configuration, encryption might not be required. Any use of encryption should also include a maintenance strategy for passwords, keys, and certificates.



EncryptByPassPhrase uses the Triple DES algorithm to encrypt the text passed in.

In this statement, PASSPHRASE specifies the data string to be used to derive an encryption key,and 'text' data type shoulb be VarBinary.
Creating a 'login_details' table:-

create table login_details(uid integer,username varchar(10),password varbinary(100))
insert into login_details(uid,username,password) values(1,'smith',EncryptByPassPhrase('12',’XXX’))
insert into login_details(uid,username,password) values(2,'kennal',EncryptByPassPhrase('12','YYY'))
insert into login_details(uid,username,password) values(3,'staurt',EncryptByPassPhrase('12','ZZZ'))
 select * from login_details



Encrypted column can be decrypted by using DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE.

DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE function takes two arguments one is 'PASSPHRASE'and text or column_name.
select uid,username, DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE ('12',password) as Password from login_details

In the above result the password still in VarBinary.So we have to Convert the VarBianry in Varchar by using Convert function as follows.
 select uid,username,convert(varchar(10), DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE ('12',password)) from login_details

Pros and Cons
Sometimes we need to protect the data from DBA and SysAdmin too. The problem with using above approach is that it will not be possible. For that matter it will not be possible in almost all SQL server encryption method.

This is because Encryption and Decryption takes place at the server and Admins do have access to the server. They can use profiler to find out what query has been fired.

We need to save the encryption key so where and Admins do have all permissions there.

The good part is that you can use retrieve the data even if the system crashes which would not have been possible with DPAPI.

Thus you can use it when you have total control over the environment and have your own (reliable) Admins. So for sure we are not going to use it in case we are hosting the application on a hosting providers server.

SQL Server Encryption is generally used while transferring the data over network.

For Encrypting the sensitive data it is recommended to either use Extensible Key Management (EKM) or encrypt and decrypt data in business layer.


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