Singelton pattern in one of the most commonly used and talked about design pattern . Many appreciates it usefulness and many advocate against it. In this post we are not going to discuss all that but will concentrate on its implementation in c#. Type: It is a creational design pattern . Intent: It ensures that only one instance of the class exists. Usage: It is generally used when only one instance of a class is required. Thus, it can be seen to be used in logging frameworks, configuration objects etc. The ownership of instance creation lies with the class itself. This is because we can not ensure that only one instance will ever exists for the class if the responsibility lies with someone else. The class will instantiate the object when it will be used for the first time. This also ensures lazy initialization. Point to consider: Singelton object is mostly made accessible globally and thus being abused by being used as global variable. We must keep in mind that not onl...